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How to change your Business domain password on a Windows 10 Machine

This document provides a step-by-step set of instructions on how to change your Broad College
of Business domain password from a Windows 10 computer at the Business
College. This password is used to log into all Business College resources such as computer
workstations, and network drives.

Once you are successfully logged onto your computer press Ctrl-Alt-Del on your keyboard. You will
be presented with a screen similar to the one shown below. Click on ‘Change
a password…

Now you will see a screen as shown below. Make sure that the top field shows
business\‘ before your username, and then fill out the ‘Old Password‘, ‘New Password‘, and ‘Confirm New
‘ fields. Then click on the blue arrow pointing right.

Non Business Domain ComputersUse [] instead of business\username.

You should then receive a message stating that you have successfully changed your password, as
seen here:

Read our password policy.