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Broad College of Business Web Policy

1.0 Introduction and Purpose
The Eli Broad College of Business’s (The College) World Wide Web presence promotes College activities and educational opportunities by providing current and effective interactive communication and on-line service to a wide audience with the goals of assisting and building broad based support for the College’s mission of teaching, research, and service.

The purpose of the College’s Web Policy is to ensure accuracy, consistency, integrity, and protection of the identity and image of the College by providing a set of minimum standards and guidelines for Web sites of Broad’s departments, schools, facilities, organizations, and affiliates.

General oversight of the College’s Web servers and Web pages, and policies governing the use of these resources, is the responsibility of the Chief Technology Officer and the Web Planning Committee.

2.0 Scope and Audience
The decentralized nature of the World Wide Web and the diverse purposes and constituencies served by College Web sites require that as much freedom as possible be granted to those creating and maintaining Web sites. However, contents of all Web pages under College jurisdiction (i.e., provided by College servers or by other servers funded by College budgets) must comply with local, state and federal laws and with the College’s and MSU’s policies, rules, and regulations. Further, the reputation and image of the Eli Broad College of Business is determined, in part, by the quality of information published electronically by its students, faculty, staff, and affiliations.

3.0 Policy

3.1 Website Design
All pages that reside on the Broad College of Business’s Web site must adhere to layout requirements and guidelines. These have been formulated to make the information viewable by as large an audience as possible, to make navigation clear to Web visitors, to provide contact information, and to regulate the use of the College’s logos, wordmarks, and trademarks.

3.2 Personal Websites
Information about web storage and AFS alternatives

3.3 Website Content Creation
Please note that any content submitted for publication is subject to review by the Marketing Communications Team.

The content can be submitted through the ITS support page as a new programming project. If the project is estimated to be less than 2 hours of programming time, then the project will be placed in a first in first out project queue. The goal of the web team is to keep the project life of these projects under 3 business days. If the project is estimated to be greater than two hours, then it will be prioritized in a weekly meeting with other ongoing projects.

3.4 Prohibited Content

3.4.1 Advertising
College of Business web pages may not contain advertising for, commercial sites without advance written approval by the Chief Technology Officer. Approval will be considered only if 1) the purpose of the advertising or link is consistent with the College mission, 2) the advertising or link is essential to the purpose of the site, and 3) the advertising or link does not imply College endorsement of the product or service.

3.4.2 Explicit Content
College of Business web pages may not contain nudity or sexually explicit material.

3.4.3 Copyrighted Material
College of Business web pages may not contain material that is copyrighted without proof of approval of the copyright holder. Copyrighted material that is posted online will follow the rules set out in the copyright.

3.4.4 Fundraising
Non-University-related fundraising may not be conducted on any Web page — College related or personal — that is operated and administered by the College or is hosted on the College’s servers.

3.5 Outsourcing
When arranging for projects published on the College’s resources to be produced by an agency outside the department (i.e., outsourcing), it is important to present a clear set of standards and expectations to the external agency or contractor. The Broad web team can facilitate the project request process. We can also manage the outsourced project.

Department Responsibilities

  1. Oversee contractor’s implementation and monitor activities.
  2. Define the relationship between the department and the agency and relay this to the College web team.
  3. Give the college style guide and design policy to the agency.
  4. Promote awareness of external agency’s or contractor’s activities.
  5. Check Web pages for accuracy, currency, and accessibility and suggest improvements. Provide examples of page design and navigation tools that are used on College of Business Web pages.

External Agency or Contractor Responsibilities

  1. Adhere to the College’s style guide and design policy.
  2. Create a zip file that includes: code, graphics, supporting documentation, file transfer instructions. Deliver this to the College web team.

3.6 Resource Registration

3.6.1 Web Server Registration
All Web servers associated with Broad College of Business must be registered with ITS. All Web service providers are responsible for the currency, legitimacy, legality, and appearance of their pages.

3.6.2 URL Registration
Departments can purchase their own URLs for marketing purposes (i.e. However, you should contact ITS for consultation on this process and instruction in configuring your new URL. All URLs purchased will need to be registered with ITS. Knowledge of these URLs will allow us to maintain and update the College’s website with more consistency.

3.6.3 Virtual Directories
All use of Virtual Directories within other publications (Newsletters, Viewbooks, etc.) should first be cleared by ITS. These need to be created on the server and configured to point to the correct resource. Sometimes the preferred virtual directory name is not available.

3.7 Accessibility
Federal laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) address various access issues and are intended to assure that the College information and activities are accessible to all. The College endeavors to make its pages compliant with the Federal Standards for Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility [Section 508 of the Workforce Rehabilitation Act].

4.0 Enforcement
ITS in conjunction with the Marketing Communications department will monitor the content published on the College’s servers and other resources. Should any content be found that is not in compliance with the above policies, it will be removed and a review of that content will begin immediately.

5.0 Definitions

Term Definition
ITS The Eli Broad College of Business Information Technology Services Department